
The American Hospital Association presents a 病人权利法案 with the expectation that observance of these rights will contribute to more effective patient care and greater satisfaction for the patient his/her physician and the hospital organization.  进一步, the Association presents these rights in the expectation that they will be supported by the hospital on behalf of its patients, 作为治疗过程中不可或缺的一部分.  It is recognized that a personal relationship between the physician and the patient is essential for the provision of proper medical care.  The traditional physician-patient relationship takes on a new dimension when care is rendered within an organizational structure.  Legal precedent has established that the institution itself also has a responsibility to the patient.  No catalog of rights can guarantee for the patient the kind of treatment he/she has a right to expect.  医院有许多职能要履行, 包括疾病的预防和治疗, the education of both health professionals and patients and the conduct of clinical research.  All these activities must be conducted with an overriding concern for the patient and, 最重要的是, 承认他/她作为人的尊严.  Success in achieving this recognition assures success in the defense of the rights of the patient.  It is in recognition of these factors that these rights are affirmed by 澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场.

These rights can be exercised on the patient’s behalf by a designated surrogate or proxy decision maker if the patient lacks decision making capacity, 在法律上是无能的, 或者是未成年人.


  1. 接受体贴的, 医疗保健行业的所有成员在任何时候都给予尊重和照顾, 在任何情况下, 不分种族, 信条, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 障碍, 婚姻状况, 性偏好, 或者付款来源. 将会有公正的治疗途径.  这包括在需要的时候和地点获得紧急保健服务.
  2. 让澳门永利线上博彩娱乐场支持和保护基本的人类, 民事, 每位患者的宪法权利和法定权利.  The patient may exercise their rights while receiving care or treatment in the hospital 没有强迫, 歧视, 或报复.
  3. To have a family member or representative of his/her choice and his/her physician notified promptly of his /her admission to the hospital.
  4. 有一个代理(父母), 法定监护人, person with medical power of attorney) exercise the patient’s rights when the patient is incapable of doing so, 没有强迫, 歧视, 或报复.  这包括告知他/她的健康状况, 参与到护理中, 计划和治疗, 能够要求或拒绝治疗.  This will not be construed as a mechanism to demand the provision of treatment or services deemed medically unnecessary or inappropriate.
  5. 在任何情况下都受到尊重、体贴和尊严的对待.
  6. To be fully informed in advance of care or treatment and to actively participate in the planning of his or her care.
  7. To personal and informational privacy, including confidentiality of clinical records.
  8. 接收准确的, easily understood information to assist them in making informed decisions about their health plans.
  9. To formulate advance directives and to be informed about any hospital policy that may limit implementation of a legally valid advance directive.
  10. To know the identity and professional status of his/her caregivers and the right to chose the provider sufficient to assure access to quality health care.
  11. To be advised if the hospital proposes to eng年龄 in or perform human experimentation affecting his/her care or treatment and the right to refuse to participate in such research projects.
  12. 及时接受适当的疼痛评估和治疗.
  13. 在安全的环境中接受照顾.
  14. To be free of any form of seclusion or restraints that are not medically necessary or are used as a means of coercion, 纪律, 便利或员工报复.
  15. 不受任何形式的虐待或骚扰.
  16. To have visitors and communicate with people outside the hospital when medically appropriate.
  17. 教牧关怀和精神服务.
  18. 获得保护服务.
  19. To consent or refuse treatment after being adequately informed of the benefits and risks of, 还有其他治疗方法.
  20. To know the reasons for any proposed change in the Professional Staff responsible for his/her care.
  21. To access information contained in his/her medical record and to have the information explained or interpreted as necessary.
  22. To expect that the hospital will provide a mechanism whereby he/she is informed by his/her physician or delegate of the patient’s continuing health care requirements following discharge.
  23. To know what hospital rules and regulations apply to his/her conduct as a patient and to be informed about the hospital mechanism for initiation, 审查, 解决病人的抱怨.  The process will be fair and efficient and may include rigorous internal 审查 and independent external 审查.
  24. 了解转院或转院的原因.
  25. To information regarding hospital charges, available payment options, and notice of non-cover年龄.  To request and examine an explanation of his/her bill regardless of source of payment.
  26. 被告知该机构对其服务的报销来源, 以及可能对他/她的护理施加的任何限制.
  27. To know the relationships of the facility to other persons or organizations participating in the provision of his/her care and treatment.
  28. 为会说英语以外语言的个人提供口译服务.
  29. The patient’s family has the right of informed consent of donation of organs and tissues.

投诉:  我们希望听到你网上澳门永利博彩官网任何问题的意见, 问题, 和/或你对你的护理有什么建议.  Please feel free to tell us if you are dissatisfied with any part of your treatment.  我们的目标是尽快解决您可能遇到的任何问题.  你的担忧可以与医院工作人员分享, or you may contact the 病人 Advocate at 517-437-5193 while in the Hospital or after discharged.  The hospital telephone operator (517-437-4451) can also assist you in contacting the 病人 Advocate. 你亦可以书面形式向病人权益律师提出你的关注,电话:168s. 豪厄尔圣.希尔斯代尔,密歇根州49242. 另外, you are free to contact the State of Michigan (Department of Commerce Bureau of Occupational and Professional Regulation Complaint and Allegations Division), P. O. 密歇根州兰辛市30018号信箱48909 (800-882-6006).